Free food for key workers

When the world imploded we sat around, briefly, wondering what on earth we were going to do, how would we survive?

Like most people, we lost everything, all of our event catering work overnight, it was bleak and we were anxious. Rather than do nothing, we started to ask what we could do to help others.

Obviously we were devastated that our summer of festival catering are slowly starting to reschedule, these are very scary, unsettling times. We’ve found ourselves with lots of time on our hands and we’re not used to it. We want to help

Personally, I can’t imagine working on the front line of the NHS or having to spend all day answering 101 calls from scared or angry people desperately trying to work out what help they need. These people are holding our country together, whilst everything else falls apart. We desperately just want to help in the only way we know how

Recent press stories report that key workers, especially those on the front line, are struggling to buy basic ingredients to feed themselves, due to relentless panic buying.  From the week starting the 30th March South West key workers will be able to order ready made nutritious food, at cost, for the week, from this website

The Occasional Kitchen can deliver food directly to the key worker, or they can pick it up.  Faye and Dave work together and are 100% mindful of social distancing, so food can be dropped at a key workers front door/in a safe space. No contact needs to happen at all.

The Occasional Kitchen are operating this food delivery service at cost, this is not being run for profit. As food becomes more scarcely available, prices will undoubtedly increase, but they are committed to providing 5 meals for £15/10 for £30. The food will be nutritious and healthy. They have been incredibly grateful to Ellen of The River House in Frome who has offered their space as a base.

Aside from the cost of the delicious food, this charitable venture will require delivery drivers, compostable packaging, utilities and some admin staff to label everything. In an ideal world The Occasional Kitchen would like to pay people for their petrol and time, despite the fact that so many people are offering to pledge their time for free.

‘We are living in such uncertain times and we’ve been blown away by how many people have offered to help, however we’d still like to be able to pay something to those people, if we can. Our entire industry is struggling and yet the amount of people offering to help has been utterly humbling. We really do work with some of the best people in the world’ Faye tells us.

When you donate on the Crowdfunder your money will go towards:

A small donation towards the running costs of the operation and to pay staff for their time.


You can ‘Pay it forward’ and cover the cost of some key worker meals that day/week.

Just to be clear, this is a not for profit operation.

We need to help the most vulnerable working tirelessly to protect us, in such weird and scary times, and we need to help each other.

£15 covers 5 lunches for a key worker

£30 covers 5 lunches/5 dinners

Their crowdfunding page is:

Please take the time to have a look and help if you can